Great and Lasting Mayan Contributions to the Modern World

Ok, so, when one thinks of the most memorable and enduring aspects of ancient civilization, one might think of the egyptian Pyramids or the Sphinx. Perhaps the Parthenon or Coliseum in Italy. But how about food?

or better yet, how about snacks?

The ancient Mayans leaned how to make a dark and tasty treat from a very unlikely source.

The pods of the Cacao tree go through a rather rigorous process to become the chocolate that we all know and love today. Being the adventurous sort, I decided to take a look at how it tastes before undergoing any presto changeo. Take a look:

As you can see, it leaves a little something to be desired. 🙂

2 Replies to “Great and Lasting Mayan Contributions to the Modern World”

  1. That experience and your reaction from start to finish convincingly summarizes a weekend adventure I had with someone in the Virginia mountains back in November

  2. Gross! Your facial expressions are the best. How in the world do the turn that into the chocolate I love?

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